Familiar with SSL and TLS Encryption Technology


Internet network
- Data encryption is the key to internet security tuk. Each time you log-in to your email account or a website, chances are your browser is protected with encryption technology is called regular or with TLS (Transport Layer Security).

TLS was first started in 1999 as an up grade of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption 3.0, TLS 1.0 is used as a part of which became the standard HTTPS encryption Web tuk encrypt data.

Almost all of today's web sites and browser information secured using TLS tuk which is transferred between Internet users who visited the site with.

Duong and Thai security researcher Juliano Rizzo admitted to cracking the data encryption TSL 1.0 just by using sniffer (to monitor data packets on the network) and a bit of JavaScript code.

These researchers tested directly using the BEAST (which is used browser exploits tuk SSL / TLS) Security Conference in Buenos Aires Ekoparty during mid September.

These data piracy begins with JavaScript code which infects internet browser when a user clicks on a link which is unclear or visit the web site which is dangerous.

When BEAST infect browsers, it will monitor the website to exchange data with encryption. These usually incorporate with the block of plain-text into the data.

After 5-10 minutes BEAST infect browsers, according to Rizzo told The Register, BEAST usually managed to cracking the code on the data encryption. Then the data is used ts to the data encryption secret is stored in a cookie which computer.

Developers can use the browser 1.1 or TLS 1.2 who are immune to such attacks toritis addition BEAST browser such as Chrome or Facebook Connect API can protect their data from the BEAST with avoiding malware with developing safe browsing, such as not opening the links which are not trusted.

Know the characteristics of Indigo Children

        Nowadays we often hear about indigo children, we often do not even see the kids with this excess around us. Has many experts who examined the characteristic or trait that distinguishes between the nature of Indigo children with other normal children. For it would not hurt if we know about the characteristic and what behaviors are often shown by these Indigo children.

      Indigo children is a new generation is born into this world. These children have unique characteristics that distinguish the previous generation. The term indigo aura indicates the color of life. The word itself derives from the name indigo color is indigo, known as the color blue to violet. Indigo itself is also associated with a sixth sense which is located on the third eye chakra which describes the intuition and tremendous inner strength sharply on the ability of ordinary people. Many of them have advantages with an exceptional talent or academic achievement. Children who have indigo was able to show empathy which is very deep and easy to feel sorry for, and looks wise for his age.

Indigo children come into the world with a variety of missions. Most of them are a battering ram the wrong order. Their job is to straighten the untruth and the discrepancies that occur around him. This is demonstrated by the behavior of those who are disobedient and difficulties in running the existing system, such as denial and rigid attitude towards the existing education system.

Indigo children also often exhibit behaviors rebel against an authority, does not adhere to the rules or customs, the difficulties in managing their emotions, sensitive or fragile. Not infrequently a child shows a very cool attitude and do not have feelings. Sometimes people would label a child with an indication of disorder ADD (attention deficit disorder). Form of behavior is sometimes caused difficulties for these children in the past childhood, through adolescence and even in (Chapman. 2006).

Into indigo is not easy, but it is a task that must be executed. Indigo children is one of those present and bring something new to the progress on this earth.

January Yordy a therapist who wrote about trying to categorize the characteristics of indigo children indigo children are often encountered:

- Having a strong desire, self-sustaining by doing what he has in mind rather than obey the will of the parents

- Wise and has a level of awareness and togetherness that exceeds his experience;

- Emotionally, they can easily react so they often have problems with anxiety, depression or stress;

- Creative thinking by using the right brain, but still had to learn to use the left brain, especially in the school system;

- Indigo Children are often diagnosed with ADD or ADHD when they show impulsive behavior (their brains process information more quickly) and they must keep moving to keep the focus;

- Children are very sensitive and can be seen, heard or know something that no ordinary people;

- These kids are visual and kinesthetic learning, they can remember what is recorded in the brain and created by hand;

- If the child's wishes are not met, then the child feels the difficulties and become self centered. While this is not the real nature;

- Children have the potential and tremendous talent, but it can go away if not in accordance with the form of parenting.

        In dealing with this indigo child thing to note is that they have difficulty managing their emotions. In some children this was due to problems of anxiety, obsessive compulsive behavior or the possibility of excessive panic (panic attack). Another cause arises because they are trying hard to learn and understand how that is still traditional or routine habit. So it is not uncommon for them will have low self esteem and give up easily in the given work (eg homework). Sometimes some children reacted indigo anger, depression, self harm and even excess that can not be explained logically and even frightening for parents.

        Indigo children have a high energy vibration pattern is settled, which was then shown with the aura color of indigo on her body. This creates a difference in the highest vibration of the body and brain function in children indigo. Most of them think with the right brain. When the child later developed stress regulation in the brain, which aside logical thinking and rational thought processes, so it appears that excessive emotional reactions. There is also a child who shows the behavior of anger, sadness or fear of deep anxiety and even excessive.

        Understanding the basic energy and are able to observe the energy state at the time the child is not stable is very helpful for parents or therapists, especially when working with these children. Required a basic understanding of energy by teaching them how to protect themselves. Another thing that is important is to teach children and parents of indigo in balancing energy techniques and ways to reduce stress levels in children, so children are not affected in a negative energy.

C H A PT E R 3
Theorizing Knowledge in

This chapter provides an overview of the development of research findings and theories related to knowledge management. In order to better understand the notion of “managing” knowledge, there is a need to better understand what it is about knowledge flow in organizations that lends itself to any form of management. The literature has discussed organizational knowledge both as a resource [Grant, R., 1996] and a process of learning [Argyris and Schon, 1978, Senge, P., 1990], often emphasizing one aspect over the other. In the resource view, knowledge is conceptualized as an object that exists largely in formal documents or online artifacts amenable to organizing and manipulation.The process view, on
the other hand, largely emphasizes the emergent nature of knowledge that is often embedded within a person or within organizational routines, activities, and outcomes, or arises from the interplay of persons and existing information or knowledge.While both perspectives may vary significantly in terms of the scope for the “management” of knowledge, it is still worth exploring the issues and debate surrounding the practice of creating, gathering, and sharing knowledge within organizations.

Through the resource perspective, organizations view knowledge as a fundamental resource in addition to the traditional resources of land, labor, and capital. It is held that the knowledge that the firm possesses is a source of sustainable competitive advantage, and is, accordingly, regarded as a strategic resource of the firm in need of management attention. On the other hand, through the process view, organizations are thought of as information processing and knowledge generating systems [Grant, R., 1996]. In the course of innovation and production of goods and services, information and knowledge are regarded as central inputs to organizational processes.

tise), and, explicit-collective (rules). Grounding the use of the quadrants in observations of exemplar case-study organizations, Baumard suggests that the creation of organizational knowledge can be tracked by locating actors’ responses (knowing) within the appropriate quadrants of the matrix.

While knowledge itself may be perceived as a resource, its creation occurs through human interactions, whether physical or virtual. For example, for knowledge to emerge from within a group, interactions that occur among its members shape the knowledge that emerges from the mutual engagement and participation of the group members. Those with a communication and interaction
perspective have argued that through discourse and dialectics, individuals shape and re-shape the thought processes of others, eventually leading to a situation of negotiated ormutually co-constructed reasoning for action and knowledge [von Krogh et al.,1998].Sense-making [Weick, K.,1995] is then seen as an activity that reaffirms whether the decisions and actions taken are rational in hindsight, constituting the “knowledge” that is created.

Instead of examining knowledge per se, Blackler, F. [1995] and others propose that attention should focus on systems through which knowing and doing are achieved. By suggesting an alternative stance of knowing as mediated, situated, provisional, pragmatic, and contested, as opposed to a more classic viewof knowledge as embodied, embrained, encultured, and encoded, Blackler recognizes that knowledge permeates activity systems within the organization. Building on Engeström, Y. [1999] general model of socially distributed activity systems, Blackler, F. [1995] proposes that knowledge can be observed as emerging out of the tensions that arise within an organization’s activity systems, that is, among individuals and their communities, their environment (rules and regulations), and the instruments and resources that mediate their activities. Through immersion in joint activity,
individuals in organizations gain tacit knowledge, the sharing of which occurs as a result of the mutual participation [Tsoukas, H., 1996].

C H A PT E R 2
Background Bibliographic

One measure of the influence of a discipline is to track the “formal communications” or published works in that discipline [Koenig,M., 2005, Ponzi, L., 2004]. Ponzi observed that “knowledge management is one emerging discipline that remains strong and does not appear to be fading”[Ponzi, L., 2004, p. 9]. Articles about KM were and are being published in the fields of computer science, information systems, management, engineering, communication, and library and information science.
In the early years of KM, it was probably a very safe assumption that almost all KMarticles would have the phrase “knowledge management” in the title, but as the KM field has grown, that almost certainly is no longer a safe assumption. There are now numerous articles about “communities of practice” or “enterprise content management” or “lessons learned” that clearly are KM focused, but they do not use the phrase “knowledge management” in the title. The significance of theKMgrowth pattern becomesmuch more apparent when one compares it with the pattern of other major business enthusiasms of recent years.


Figure 2.1: Knowledge Management Growth. Number of KM articles published by year.

See Figure 2.3 below for the publication pattern. In general, the number of dissertations focusing on some aspect of knowledge management rises gradually until 2006 and has remained steady with about 100 theses produced each year in English with, however, a decline in 2008 and 2009. The number of scholarly papers and dissertations devoted toKMdemonstrates that there has been and continues to be a scholarly interest in knowledge management even if that research has taken a small downturn.An examination of the types of research being conducted shows that over the years the subject matter of KM studies has changed somewhat from an emphasis on technological systems to a focus on communication and interaction among people. Also, the terminology has changed as well. Although ‘knowledge management’ may have been commonly used in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, scholars have adopted terms such as ‘knowledge sharing,’ ‘communities of practice,’ and ‘learning organizations’ as knowledge management processes became more mainstream in organizations.